November 2018
<![if !vml]><![endif]>It is with a thankful heart that I write this letter. God is at work transforming lives! I would like to share with you about my partnership with the leadership team (pictured right) of Christian Surfers Brazil (SCB)!
Cesar, the new executive director of SCB, had a dream. It was to unify the mission. SCB has been present in Brazil for more than 30 years, but because of vast distances between the local chapters and Brazilian laws and bureaucracy the mission had not been able to organize.
As we, the leadership, recently traveled throughout Brazil meeting with the regional and local leaders we were happy to find that almost everyone in local leadership is fruit from the ministry! However, without the unity of missional alignment we also found that intentional Evangelism and Disciple-making are not happening as could be, and the result is isolated and independent chapters of surf "families" and an aging mission.
God has raised up an exceptionally talented executive team for such a time as this. Cesar (far right above) and his executive team through their legal and organizational skills and hard work and determination have successfully restructured SCB. We have become a legal Brazilian organization. This will allow us to be more resourceful serving the local chapters.
Together we are one at heart in preserving the "family" like and organic qualities of the mission while investing in regular and consistent training. Our mission is to Share the Good News of Jesus with surfers; to Follow Him together and to Give others the opportunity to do the same. Our vision is that God would use SCB so that every surfer in every surfing community in Brazil will have the opportunity to know and follow Jesus. Brazil has 3 million surfers!
I have begun developing basic training modules that will equip surfers to accomplish our mission and vision with an effective disciple-making strategy walking as Jesus walked. Our goal in 2019 is to train 3 regional trainers in each of the three surfing regions that our mission serves. These trainers will train dozens of local leaders. We will also identify a group of "under 20" year-olds to invest in as the next generation of SCB leadership.
I count on your partnership! I am trusting the Lord for Year-End donations so that I can start the new year with a strong operating budget. Would you pray about making a year-end donation. Your gift would go a long way in helping me to train trainers for the purpose of Making Disciples of Jesus Christ! I thank you for your on-going interest in my life and ministry!
Partner with the Weyandts financially!
Make checks out to: EFCA ReachGlobal
Attach a note that says: I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig
Weyandt, Account 1409
Please Mail Check to: EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street; Minneapolis, MN
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