The rugged, mountain coastline of São Paulo is beautiful. It makes for some difficult travel but when we arrived we were rewarded for our perseverance.
Alessandra, Evaldo, Odirley, Alessandre, Luis and I met up on the fishing Island of Cananeia in Sao Paulo this past week. Beautiful ocean inlets dotted with small and colorful fishing vessel and surrounded by green mountains lured my camera from its pack throughout the day!
As we, ReachGlobal, seek to fulfill our mission- to glorify God through the multiplication of Healthy Churches among all Peoples- we rejoice with every opportunity to partner with and stimulate the Local Brazilian Church to Healthy Missions. Here, Pastor Odirley, from Santos is visiting the missionary his church sent and supports, Alessandre (not Alessandra :) . Alessendre lives on one of Sao Paulo´s many islands and works with local fisherman and Christ follower, Luis.
While Alessandra helped Luis, Alessandre, Evaldo-Director of MEAP and a local state researcher develop a plan for the sustainable cultivation of Oysters, I met with Pastor Odirley and asked him how his church got involved in taking the Gospel to the fishing villages through mission MEAP.
As we talked the hours passed and Odirley expressed a need that he has to develop character and the teaching of the Word in the lives of his church leadership. I shared with Odirley that as my colleagues and I work along side of the Brazilian church to produce health the key that we have found is life transformation in key leadership through discipleship and teaching of the Word. I shared with him some recent examples of our Pathways Biblical training and that we hope to continue by teaching 2 Timothy not only in Rio de Janeiro but also here in Sao Paulo. Odirley is very interested in openning the doors of his church to Host Pathways in Sao Paulo.
John 16:24- Until now you have not asked for anything in my name: Ask and you will receive that your joy may be complete!
Please Pray with Us:
Lord, make our joy complete by hearing our prayers. We pray that you, through your Spirit, will use us to impact hundreds of lives of Brazilian leaders, like Odirley with the power of the Transformational Gospel. We pray that you would then use Odirley and his leadership team and others leaders like them to take the teaching of your Word to the second and third generation of leaders, missionaries and Christ followers, reaching the remote fishing villages of Sao Paulo and to the ends of the earth. We pray for a great missionary movement of All Peoples for All Peoples by your Spirit through your Word. Your Word is life and precious to our being. Sustain our strength and give us wisdom. Raise up workers for the harvest. Thank you for the privilege of being Life Givers! For your Glory and Name we Pray,
Thank you for sharing our Ministry with us through your prayers.
Delighting in Him,
Craig and Alessandra
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901 East 78th Street
Minneapolis , MN 55420-1300