Alyssia, Alessandra and I are immersed in many new endeavors this Brazilian Spring (North American Fall!).
We did not have more than a weekend to relax after saying goodbye to our APEX Team and dear friends. They spent six weeks with us from the end of June until the beginning of August.
It was a wonderful experience for our family and I believe for all who participated. In fact, four of the five young adults that participated indicated that they are interested in spending two years with us here in Rio. The only one who did not is entering his freshman year of college and is not yet thinking of life after graduation… but…. what will life be like living in a dorm away from home! We trust that each participant has not only blessed our Brazilian partners, but is also more prepared in every way to make Disciples of Jesus where they live right now.
Come and See; Come and do with us; Go and do. We divided our six weeks into these three invitations following Jesus’ ministry while working with our Brazilian Partners. Learn, Relate and Serve! We were blessed by the quality of each person that participated including the adults that came down to serve the team as dorm parents, ESL specialists, Mentors, Cooks, City Guides and did whatever needed to be done! We received a team of nine North-Americans and a host of Brazilians that blessed us as well.
We are so thankful to the Lord for providing the funds and workers needed to finish phase one of the APEX house! Six of the nine team members stayed in this new lodging! We have been receiving people all most non-stop ever since the team departured!
Well, it is time to start recruiting for next year’s team! We will be busy contacting churches, prayer partners and financial supporters telling of the opportunities there are to serve in all the roles that I mentioned above!
In my next email I will share more about our new adventures!
Please Pray!
- Please Praise the Lord with us for all that he has done in 2016-2017 to make the APEX Vision a Reality!
- Please pray that The Lord would go before us as we begin to pray, plan and Recruit for next summer’s APEX team!
- Would you be willing to pray about 1. Coming to Rio to participate in the APEX Mission in 2018 and 2. Giving financially to Phase two of the APEX House Restoration.
Delighting in Him,
Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia
ReachGlobal, Rio de Janiero
Face: Life on Life Rio
bPartner with the Weyandts financially!
Online Donations (click here)
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Make checks out to: EFCA ReachGlobal
Attach a note that says: I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig
Weyandt, Account 1409
Please Mail Check to: EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street; Minneapolis, MN