Friday, January 24, 2014

Into The Darkness

Interview with Craig and Alessandra at Black Rock, Fairfield CT  January 2014


1.      Tell us about the upcoming soccer World Cup in Brazil and how the events that revolve around it present outreach opportunities?

·         The World Cup is coming to Rio de Janeiro and 11 other cities from June 12 to July13- 31 days of the 30 World’s best football Nations will compete for the World Cup Trophy while millions of fans from virtually every nation on earth will exalt their national heroes as they attempt to put the ball in the net!

·         Our Purpose along with our Brazilian Partners, Exodus Cry and many other missions organizations from around the Globe will be to “Exalt the Name of Jesus Higher than Soccer”!

·         The Problem is that the World Cup and the Olympics are two events that most promote human trafficking in the World!  Most Trafficking serves the purpose of sexual tourism, prostitution, and involves children, teenagers and woman. 

·         While we can see the visible infrastructure of the city being prepared for the millions of tourist- Roads, Metro, Stadiums etc- There is an invisible infrastructure being built for the purpose of selling these children, teenagers and woman into prostitution.

·         The Hope or Ministry Opportunity that we are engaged in is called, the Freedom Project or Projeto Liberdade. The Freedom Project has three levels of attack:

o   Prevention-  Showing of the Nefarious Documentary; 9/2013-5/2014

o   Intervention- House of Prayer- 31 days during the World Cup -24/7

§  Luke 18 The Persistent Widow- vs 7…will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

§  Listen to His Voice and Obey- As God leads we will Go out to the Streets- into the Darkness Seeking the Lost.

o   Restoration- Long term care and Discipleship

2.      We are all watching the winter Olympics in Russia.  The Summer Olympics will be in Brazil.  How is the church on Brazil gearing up for the Summer Olympics in 2016 and what will the role of the churches that you work with?

§  The Perfect Storm-  It is very unusual that the Olympics would follow so closely behind the World Cup- It is an opportunity for the traffickers to continue their work.  The Olympics is much bigger than the world cup-   200 Nations and Millions of tourists all in the city of Rio.

§  This is also an opportunity for us, ReachGlobal to continue our work with our partners.  We are using the World Cup as Preparation for the Olympics!

3.      You have a baby on the horizon.  What is her due date?

·         Alyssia Weyandt, our little girl,  we will be born on April 25th.


4.      Speaking of your expanding family, you have been involved in the anti-trafficking of children in Brazil.  Tell us briefly, how wide spread is the problem and how has the church and you as missionaries responded to the challenge?

·         Alessandra spent two years as the Articulator for the Bola Na Rede (Ball in the Net ) Campaign against Child Trafficking, abuse and Prostitution linked to the World Cup and Olympics.

·         Our focus was and is on Awareness- Making the Brazilian Church and Society aware of the Problem by visiting Schools, Churches, and Networks of Professionals and Volunteers who work in the area of Children Education presenting facts and leading discussions about the problem.

·         What we Learned-

o   Trafficking is the Exploitation of the Vulnerable! Two great causes of Vulnerability in Brazil… 1) Poverty  2) Sexual Abuse- It is estimated that 30% of Brazil’s poor are abused by a family member as an infant or child.

·         The Hope against Trafficking-

o   Jesus!  Jesus is Just.  Without Jesus there is no true Justice.  Every Justice initiative must begin and end with Jesus.

o   The Church- Jesus call us to Make Disciples- Go into Darkness! Let Christ Shine.

o   Governmental Reform-  Cutting off the Demand- The church must be the voice for the voiceless.  Tougher Laws and Punity against the “Johns”- 


5.      Tell us briefly about your ministry in Brazil?

·         We exist to Glorify God through the Multiplication of Transformational Churches in Brazil and Beyond!

·         The goal is to impact lives with the transformational Gospel and we do that by developing, empowering and releasing Brazilian leaders who have a passion to make disciples and impact their communities. 

·         Transforming the Brazilian church:  That is why we are involved in the Freedom Project- It is really about transforming the Brazilian church by Empowering them to respond to Ministry opportunity in the wake of city crises.  Walk as Jesus Walked!  John 10:10, Duet 10:18!

6.      How has Black Rock enabled you to serve the people of Brazil? 

·         Core Value! 

o   We work in Partnership!  We have many Brazilian Partners and we have many American Parnters! 

o   Black Rock is a vital Kingdom Partner in our Ministry to the Brazilian People.

o   Two Vital Roles Black Rock has in our Ministry Partnership

§  Prayer-   Fruitfulness, Protection- physical and spiritual

§  Financial Support- 

·         We go to Where the People are.

·         We invest in Training.





January 2014



Alessandra and I enjoying an early January snow fall in New Jersey with our good friends, Jeff and Kris Weigel. 




Thank the Lord with us…

  •  Alyssia is six months in the womb and continues to grow strong.
  •  We have been received so warmly by family, friends and churches celebrating and providing for this new little life. 
  •  We received our greatest monthly support ever in December.  We sure needed that to balance the books!  We thank the Lord for His Church and for all who partner      with us in Prayer and Financial Giving!
  • Alessandra's research project took a giant step forward over the past weeks. God continues to soften hard hearts along the way!


Please pray on our behalf…

  •  Alessandra arrived back in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday.  Pray for us as we spend these next 6 weeks apart.  It is difficult for us to be away from each other- especially in light of the pregnancy. 


  •  I remain in the United States to raise Financial support. We are at 83% of our total goal!  We are looking for individuals and churches to contribute to the remaining 17% or $1500 per month.  This increase will  allow us to continue to develop, empower and release key, Brazilian Leaders and to invest in the World Cup Outreach, The Freedom Project.    These funds will also bring us up to the salary level recommended by our mission. My goal is to be fully funded and back in Brazil by March 4.  


  • Thursday, January 14, 2014, I will be in Madison, CT showing the Nefarious- Merchant of Souls- documentary exposing the reality of modern Human Trafficking. God is raising up a network of mission agencies and churches in Rio de Janeiro to come together in the Freedom Project against the injustice of the sexual exploitation of vulnerable children, teens and woman during the 31 days of the World Cup.  Please pray that God would reveal His heart Thursday evening and that  hearts would be transformed.   Let us cry out together that God will send justice to His chosen ones who cry out to him day and night (Luke 18:7).

Thank you for interceding on our behalf!


Delighting in Him,


Craig and Alessandra (for Alyssia)



Donations  ON-Line



Make checks out to:                             EFCA ReachGlobal

Attach a note that says:        I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig Weyandt, Account 1409 


                                                Personal Gift for Craig Weyandt, ReachGlobal Brazil

Please Mail Check to:           EFCA ReachGlobal

                                                901 East 78th Street

                                                Minneapolis , MN 55420-1300
