Tuesday, April 10, 2018

APRIL 9, 2018


Alessandra, Alyssia and I hope you had a wonderful and joyful Easter.  Truly, Jesus  is the Greatest Story ever told, and the beautiful truth is that His Story continues in and through us- all who believe and love HIm!  I am so glad to be part of this story and fully aligned with what the Father is doing and wants to do on this earth- making disciples of Jesus Christ of all nations.


Sometimes I become unclear of what I should be doing day to day.  There are periods of time when I see and understand God's will with incredible clarity.  So what do I do when the day to day becomes unclear?  Who do I invest in?  What neighborhoods should I visit (Rio has 150)?  When should I stay home with my family and when should I go out to make a visit?


I am really thankful for a mission culture of accountability and empowerment.  ReachGlobal as a mission exists for the multiplication of transformational churches among all people.  I have latitude as I work in Brazil toward that end.  This week my supervisor, Tim (pictured left),  is here with me.  He is helping me work through our 10 year and 3 year goals and 6 month initiatives.   We will meet two more times in person with other City Team Leaders this year and monthly by skype to review my goals.  ReachGlobal's leadership investment affirms me as a leader and gives me confidence that I am doing what I should be doing. 



This past month was filled with family celebrations and ministry!  Set in the Spring Context of Easter, the Masters Golf Tournament and Tax Day we celebrate Alessandra's Birthday, our 10 Year Wedding Anniversary, My Birthday (today😊) and Alyssia's (soon-15 April).    And another highlight was traveling to the south of Brazil where I ministered through preaching to leadership of Christian Surfers Brazil. They came from the Northeast, Southeast and the South of Brazil.


Celebrating the Birthday of Our Wonder Woman!  Happy Birthday Alê!!!!!!



Please Pray:

  • Praise God with us for Life-  We praise God for each of our lives and the opportunity to stop and celebrate Life Together as a family in Jesus name!
  • Though we celebrate the Risen Christ each and every day please praise God with us for this Easter Season-an opportunity to declare, "Jesus is Risen!"
  • The Christian Surfers exist to create opportunities for every surfer in every surfing community to know Jesus and to follow Him with us.
    • Please pray for the leadership and me as we seek to equip the surf "clubs" throughout Brazil to effectively live among the surfing tribes reflecting, representing and proclaiming Jesus. 
    • Pray that God will raise up the next generation of leaders among these surfers to take the place of the "silver" surfers  (guys like me with gray hair!)
  • Pray that the Lord will protect Alessandra as she drives daily through the streets of Rio.  We are experiencing a period of heightened violence, Military action and political uncertainty. 
  • I am asking for wisdom and patience as I continue teaching Bible at a local school.   Many kids are hearing the Gospel for the first time, but it is a challenge!


Delighting in Him,


Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia Weyandt

ReachGlobal, Rio de Janiero

Blog:  http://reachglobalcity.blogspot.com/

Face:  Life on Life Rio


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Make checks out to:                   EFCA ReachGlobal

Attach a note that says:          I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig

Weyandt, Account 1409 

Please Mail Check to:            EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street;  Minneapolis, MN

