Here is a snap shot of our Christmas…. 5 Days in the Hospital! Alyssia has been battling an Urinary infection the past two weeks. All seemed fine last Thursday, 5 days into taking antibiotics, when she experienced high fevers and vomiting☹ We took her to the ER on Friday and Saturday she was admitted to the Hospital. We were hopeful that we would be back home on Christmas day but her fevers and vomiting continued until Tuesday night, and we were released on Thursday. Today is our first full day back in our home. We are exhausted but very grateful to the Lord for her recovery. She was actually battling two infections. The second was tonsillitis. It took a while for the Medical staff to agree that there were two problems that needed to be treated. We will continue treatment with Alyssia's pediatrician as a culture exam revealed the continued presence of bacteria.
We were very blessed by visits from our dear friends from the church. Pictured above wearing pink Alyssia is showing off the Bling that she received as a present from her friend Joaquim! She never wanted to take it off! Of course Santa visited us on Christmas day too. The blue cot is where Alessandra and I Slept for 5 nights!
The Lord gave us Rest during this trial! Though we were tempted to think of the worst that could happen God gave us peace, though sometimes through tears, that He is Lord over the Storm! I was just teaching from Mark 4 and I was reminded by the Disciples question, "Lord, don't you care that we are drowning?" and by the Lord's response rebuking the wind and saying to the waves, "Be Still! Be Quiet!" that indeed He does care and He is powerful to save!
Who is this? Even the wind and waves obey HIM. He is the Lord, Jesus, The Christ, The Savior! As we come into the New Year we are counting our blessings and obeying Christ's command, to be Still before Him and Resting in His Goodness and Lordship. We want to wish you a Happy New Year and our hope is that you too can count your blessings and Be Still through all that 2018 will bring!
Delighting in Him,
Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia
ReachGlobal, Rio de Janiero
Face: Life on Life Rio
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