Pass on what you heard from me—to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:2
We just completed our second Biblical Pathways course, 2 Timothy. The goal of Pathways is to equip Pastors to train others to study and teach the Bible with precision! Our ReachGlobal colleague, Mike, representing Pathways came to Rio de Janeiro to lead us through the material. My colleague Jeff and I along with two Brazilian Pastors also contributed. Pastor Fabio pictured Below.
I concluded our 3 days together with a challenge to take the next step and pass on what we have heard and studied from the scriptures to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. My goal as a ReachGlobal missionary is to impact at least one transformational church in each of Rio de Janeiro's 33 regions over the next ten years.
Saturday evening I ventured out to the north zone of the city to a neighborhood called Barreira do Vasco, a large urban favela, to visit Leo and his new Life Group (LG). I met Leo on the night of the shootout in Arara, and the Lord has put him on my heart since then. Last week he led me through the streets of Arara we visited young men that started to follow Christ but since have fallen away. That was difficult but a precious time.
This week was sweeter. Leo did not participate in the first Pathways course (Jonah). Pastor Fabio, Cintia and Marcelo did. These leaders taught the Jonah course to Leo and about 39 other leaders of small groups over the past two months. Leo and I walked for more than 20 minutes through the labyrinth of streets in this large Favela passing hundreds of homes and poor families until we arrived at our destination- the home of a 20 year-old, single mom named Gabriela. Leo said, "Pastor Craig, tonight I will be teaching the first chapter of Jonah to our group (pictured above) using the Pathways method of teaching" (3rd Generation teaching!).
The group started. Leo prayed; they took turns reading chapter one; and he asked… "What did you like or did not like in the story? Where do you see that? What verse? After each one shared an observation Leo continued, "What does that teach us about who God is?" (understanding).
Amanda answered, "He is all powerful and does as he pleases". "Why do you conclude that?", Leo asked.
" In vs 4 it says that God made the wind blow and created a storm; in vs. 9 Jonah identifies God as the Creator and made the land and the sea; in vs. 13 when the sailors tried with all there force to out row the storm God made the storm grow even worse so they had to give up!" Amanda replied.
Another continued, "in vs. 14 even the sailors cried out- Don't kill us for throwing Jonah out of the boat for you, Oh God, do as you please!
Leo asked me, "Pastor Craig, do you have anything to add?"
So I asked the group, "What else does it teach us about who God is? Gabriela said, "It teaches us that God did not want to kill Jonah but was willing to go after him when Jonah ran away. He even sent a fish to save him"!
Leo ended the time talking about repentance. We like Jonah, worship the Lord God. We hear his voice; We know what to do; But sometimes we, like Jonah, choose not to obey. The same God that went after Jonah comes after us when we go astray! He desires that we turn from our bad way and turn to Him in Obedience.
I was pretty amazed by what I witnessed. We trained faithful leaders who trained faithful leaders who are teaching the Gospel with precision in the nooks and cranny's of this humungous city, places that I or my colleagues could never reach on our own!
Please Pray for the young men who like Jonah, are trying to flee God's presence. They are pursing the world:
Guilherme (we met in the home of Guilherme's Grandmother when the Life Group started in Arara). It is his first work experience and he, 20 years old, has made friends with a 27 year old work mate that is showing him new experiences that the city has to offer.
Walace- He is serving his mandatory year in the military and is under great social pressure to participate in the worldly activities with his platoon.
Diego- Gifted worship leader that is AWOL.
Pray that God would protect Leo and Marvin from discouragement as they shepherd this portion of the flock.
Pray for the other 40 Life Group Leaders that God would reward them for their faithful service and time in the scriptures.
Pray for Gabriela and other young mom single moms. She is 20 and has a 5 year old and a three year old – Boys! She shared with me that one of the reasons for her going to church about a year ago is her boys. Boys that grow up in the Favela without direction often die.
Many Thanks for your Prayers!
Delighting in Him,
Craig and Alessandra
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Attach a note that says: I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig Weyandt, Account 1409
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