Sunday, November 5, 2017



October 31st             

These are trying times in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil characterized by a broken economy brought on by the largest corruption scheme in the history of any democratic nation.  Many Brazilians continue to leave and seek opportunities abroad while the federal armed forcebs are needed to protect the city.  God’s greatest blessing in Rio de Janeiro over the past two decades is the growth of the evangelical church. 

The presence of the church has certainly NOT resolved all societal problems, and sad to say plenty of evangelicals are involved in the scandal.  But it is fair to say that this coming-of-age church has made a big impact by giving hope to countless families during times of crises. 

One of the ways God has used ReachGlobal and the Weyandts in Rio de Janeiro to develop High-Impact disciple-making in Rio de Janeiro was through investing in Biblical teaching by partnering with EFCA Biblical Pathways and the Caju Life Church.

In August we, Mike Gunderson from Pathways, the Life church leadership and I, carefully studied and preached through the book of Colossians together.  The purpose of Pathways is to equip local pastors to train others to train others how to carefully study the scriptures and teach with precision. 

This was the 9th book of the Bible that we studied and preached through together over the past four years.  Each time these young disciple-making leaders passed on the teaching to others.  Hundreds of disciple-makers have been impacted by the careful Bible-Study method and continue to discover the beauty and power of the transformational Gospel as it is revealed throughout the Bible.

Currently the Life Church leadership is preaching through the book of Colossians with their church.  It is part of their mission to train Brazilian Pastors to equip others how to carefully study the Bible wherever they send missionaries.   They truly are a Gospel-centered, disciple-making church committed to  church-planting movements.

Please Pray

  • Praise the Lord with us that He has done this great work.  We praise God for the faithfulness and discipline of all the Caju Life Church Leaders who not only studied and preached through the scriptures with us, but also passed it on to the next generation of disciples. 
  • Please continue to pray for Pastor Fabio and the Life Church leaders as their Gospel influence continues to spread in the neighborhood of Caju, Rio de Janeiro and to un-reached regions of Brazil.

Delighting in Him,

Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia

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Weyandt, Account 1409 

Please Mail Check to:            EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street;  Minneapolis, MN

