Friday, October 4, 2013

We would like to share our good news with you!



Alessandra and I would like to share with you our good news! 


We are going to have a …    Yes, Alessandra is…! 








“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”  Luke 2


Although our good news pales in comparison to that Holy moment, Alessandra and I would like to announce our good news and the revelation of the mystery of God’s grace and kindness to us…


We are going to have a Baby    Yes, Alessandra is pregnant! 


We hope that this announcement will bring great joy to all of you who have been praying so faithfully in expectation of this wonderful moment.



That particular night an Angel of the Lord announced the mystery of the ages- The Savior was born! 


·         Please pray for the healthy development of the Baby. 

·         Please pray for Alessandra’s health and safety as she continues to administrate her governmental project.

·         Please pray for wisdom and guidance as we make plans to visit the US in November through January.  We will need some prayer and TLC; some down time; and need to raise some financial support.


That is it for now!!!!!! 


Delighting in Him,


Craig and Alessandra