Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rotas Bíblicas

Rotas Bíblicas:  A Beleza de Descubrir Juntos!

Treinar Mestres e Pastores para equipar outras para estudar cuidadosamento a Bíblia e ensiná-la com precisão.

Estudamos 9 livros da Bíbia juntos em 3 anos cada curso aprendendo novas ferramentas de estudo.

Contato:              Pastor Craig Weyandt  email:   whatsapp:  21987815268

                                ReachGlobal, Rio de Janeiro




Tuesday, April 26, 2016


We have a lot to be thankful for especially as we consider that in one month we celebrated all Three family Birthdays and our Wedding Anniversary.


Here are some reasons for Prayer and Praise: 

Alyssia Turned Two Years Old!   Jesus came to give life, a full life.  We thank him for the joy we find in the Wonder of a child!


A few weeks ago I preached at Pastor Pablo's church (pictured on my Right in Green) and now he invited me to appear on an Evangelical Television Program tomorrow with a panel of Pastors Debating the subject of "credentials of a true believer".  I am not sure what that means, but when given an opportunity to discuss the essence of a true Christ follower I want in.   Pray that the Holy Spirit will work through me convicting men and woman of truth and that the viewers may perceive love, joy and an exuberant life in me that comes from being filled with the Spirit.  


Pictured above: men from Surfers for Christ (silver surfers).  Pictured below: Fruit of the labor.  Chris professes faith in Jesus after a long spiritual journey and she was baptized on Sunday by Esdras, Christ follower and worker in Christian Surfers ministry!

Please pray for Surfer Fabio. He is not pictured here, but has a long standing addiction to alcohol.  A few weeks ago he sought out Juca for Spiritual help.  His wife has reached her end and wants out of the marriage.  Fabio's lifestyle has left him fearful of being alone.   He has an 11 year-old son.   Juca and I meet weekly with Fabio and his wife Paula joins in every other week.   Pray for true brokenness and repentance.  Pray that the Son will set him free from alcohol and restore his marriage.  It will be a long road and we are just beginning.   Pray that Paula finds Jesus too and the power to forgive.   

Vocare:  Brazilian Mission Conference for Millenials lead by Rodrigo of Mission BASE.   Left: Students register on System BASE ( the website matches potential missionaries with sending agencies.   Praise the Lord for the unity of the 26 agencies and the nearly 1200 students from every state in Brazil.  There were 300 participants from areas identified as the least reached regions of Brazil.  Continue to pray for God's moving in Brazil raising up laborers for the Harvest!  I will be excited to report the fruit of the conference as we receive news.  Pray for Rodrigo as he is exhausted that he will find rest.


This has been a lot information, but I thank you for praying for us and our partners.  


Delighting In Him,

Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia





Make checks out to:                               EFCA ReachGlobal

Attach a note that says:                      I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig Weyandt, Account 1409 

Please Mail Check to:                         EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street;  Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300
