Dear Praying Friends, December 2016
It is hard to believe that we are coming down the home stretch of our US visit. Today we are packing up the mission house and this week will leave for my sisters’s home where we will spend Christmas with family. Mom and Dad will come up from South Carolina. Each Home Assignment is different and we seem to be feeling the transition of this move more than other times.
We praise the Lord for this missionary house that we have called home in Cape May Court House for the past 4 months. We have been blessed by the First Baptist Church and are very thankful for the generosity of these brothers and sisters.
Putting together and sending out 160 Apex packets! Alessandra, Gloria and Mary friends from the light house church
Alessandra spent this last week saying goodbye to her friends from the ladies Bible Study and woman’s exercise class from the Light House Church. It was a very emotional week, and we praise the Lord for all these dear sisters who invested into Ale’s life.
We rejoice that the Lord has given us clear revelation about our 2017 vision for Rio. We ask that you join us in Prayer and to consider partnering with us in the new year! We are excited to host the EFCA Apex summer mission experience for college students and young adults. I have included in the attachment above a brochure for young people and an invitation for you to be involved! And you can follow us on Facebook by clicking the link below.
Please Pray:
· We came home for an extended stay with the goal of raising $1000 a month more. This is necessary forb me to carry out my role as city team leader and to have the resources necessary to host Apex 2017. We still need people to contribute. 12 People at $50 a month would go a long way in helping us to reach that goal.
· Pray with us that God will send workers to the Harvest field. Matthew 9 teaches us that Jesus not only saw the masses, but He felt compassion on them because He understood that they were helpless and harassed, sheep without a shepherd. Then he instructed his Disciples to ASK! Ask that The Lord of the Harvest would send laborers to the Harvest field. As we labor in those white fields we ask that you would join us in Asking the One who sees, feels and understands that He would send others to labor with us for truly the Harvest is not only abundant but eternal as well!
I suppose the next time you hear from us we will be south of the border! Please pray for travel mercies as Alessandra, Alyssia and I head home to Rio.
Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!
Delighting in Him,
Craig Weyandt
ReachGlobal, Rio de Janiero
Face: Life on Life Rio
Partner with the Weyandts financially!
Online Donations (click here) (copy & paste)
Make checks out to: EFCA ReachGlobal
Attach a note that says: I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig Weyandt, Account 1409
Please Mail Check to: EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street; Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300