Saturday, January 12, 2013

Holiday with Family!

                   January, 2013
Alessandra and I spent the holidays with my parents in South Carolina.  We were able to rest a bit and enjoy the wonderful company of family.  It was great to have my sister, Beth, and her family with us too.  Now we are back in Brazil and preparing for a wonderful year of Ministry.
 While I was in the United States in December my colleague, Jeff Droogsma, and I met with our Latin American Leader, Brian,  to discuss and plan our 10 year and 3 year goals.  One of the significant outcomes of our discussions was our commitment to invest in Brazilian Partnerships.  This is based on our deep conviction that God is using the majority world to take the Gospel to the unreached Nations making disciples both formally as missionaries and informally in migration patterns. 
We are empowering and releasing Brazilians to impact lives with the power of the transformation Gospel here in Rio, Brazil and beyond.   As we make disciples here in Brazil, teaching them to obey everything that Jesus taught us and the whole council of the Word of God we are excited to see them "going out" !
These past days, as part of my preparations for a new year, I have been buried under my Navigator resources refocused on the "handling" of the Scriptures- Hearing, reading, meditating, memorizing and studying!  This year we will begin a new inductive Bible study ministry called Path Ways  (search the scriptures) that will impact leaders and their preaching preparation.  We will start with the book of Jonah because of its strong Redemptive theme!
Here is a list of ministry activities that we are involved in these next several months.  Please pray for God's grace and favor to abound!
  • ·         CENA Farm Project                          Jose Claudio and Susana                               January
  • ·         Trip to Haiti                                         City Team Leaders                                        January 25- February 5
  • ·         World comes to Rio
Carnival Impact                                    Caju Life Church Movement                           February 8-12.
  • ·         Round Table Discussion
on Dignity of Life Issues                        Life International                                           Feb 18-20
  • ·         Development of Missionary
Mobilizing Website                         Hosting Nelson and Marge Malwitz         Feb 22- March 25
And Story Rope ministry               with Mission BASE
with abused Woman.
  • ·         Pathways Bible Training                Brazilian Pastors and ReachGlobal
    Pathways Training Team                               March-April
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in Ministry.
Delighting In Him,
Craig and Alessandra
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Attach a note that says:                  I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig Weyandt, Account 1409 
                                                            One Time Gift for Craig Weyandt's, Car Fund
Please Mail Check to:                     EFCA ReachGlobal
                                                            901 East 78th Street
                                                            Minneapolis , MN 55420-1300
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