We are just settling back in our mission home in Cape May Court House, NJ after a wonderful trip to Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Alyssia has fully recovered from her illness, and mom and dad (Craig and AlĂȘ) are a bit weary but very grateful. We are grateful for Alyssia´s recovery; we are grateful for visits with wonderful people; we are grateful for the Lord’s provision through generous people like yourselves. We had acquired quite a ministry deficit because of my increased travels this year. Through generous one time giving we are on the way back to a healthy ministry balance. This will happen through continued generous giving through the end of this year.
There were many great moments on this trip but I will mention just one now… A step back in time! Here Alessandra, Alyssia and I are pictured with the Black Rock Youth Staff whom I served as a youth intern and youth pastor….30 years later!
We were missing other important people, but were very fortunate to have such a good representation of a team that impacted my life so much. Thank you friends.
Many of the ministry principles that I lived with these friends I still practice today in Brazil. We met in homes, schools, the work place and even the tennis court! We sang hymns and praise choruses, prayed together and studied and applied the scriptures. We were passionate for the Lord and filled with compassion for the lost.
After singing an old worship song…that we used to sing together I encouraged my former ministry team by affirming my continued passion for the Lord Jesus and compassion for the lost.
It was quite a night!
Our lives are a testimony of God’s faithfulness and the magnitude of His grace-through Jesus Christ, and renewal that comes by the Holy Spirit.
It was faithful tithing of the local church that provided my salary, ministry expenses and youth budget when I was a youth pastor…and even put me through seminary as an intern. These resources resulted in the mystery of timeless communion in Christ pictured above. It is your faithful tithing to the local church that provides about 60% of our needed support in Brazil through wonderful churches like Black Rock and many others that support foreign missions. We count on ministry investments made by individuals and small groups for about 40% of our annual budget.
You can partner with the Weyandts financially by giving an end of year gift. This will help in two ways. First, your gift will give us a healthy ministry balance to start the new year. Second, end of year gifts always help us to meet our needed monthly expenses. We praise the Lord that everything offered to Him has eternal reward. We recognize that it takes the Body of Christ to resource our ministry…each one serving with the gift that God has given him and her. We thank the Lord for you and for your faithfulness to our family and ministry through prayer, friendship and your sacrificial giving.
Delighting in Him,
Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia Weyandt
ReachGlobal, Rio de Janeiro
Partner with the Weyandts Financially!
Make checks out to: EFCA ReachGlobal
Attach a note that says: I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig Weyandt, Account 1409
Please Mail Check to: EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street; Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300