July, 23 2019
“Good Morning!”, I thought to myself. My heart was filled with wonder and joy that morning- sustained by the Wonder of the Gospel, the sunshine and my company.
I was walking Alyssia to school. Sometimes we ride our bikes but that day we walked. We take time, as we walk, and often stop to observe the colors that we see--- the blue sky, pink flowers, a bright red bird. We also smell the air.... usually fresh from blossoming flowers and fruits. The best is when she reaches up to hold my hand. As a Dad that´s wonderful!
I was walking Alyssia to school. Sometimes we ride our bikes but that day we walked. We take time, as we walk, and often stop to observe the colors that we see--- the blue sky, pink flowers, a bright red bird. We also smell the air.... usually fresh from blossoming flowers and fruits. The best is when she reaches up to hold my hand. As a Dad that´s wonderful!
I received a youtube video from a
friend just before the walk about the benefits of ...walking. Many were mentioned! Here are a few: Walking
helps you live longer... and better. It
is good for your mental and physical health, and It can foster relationships
It is easy to send such a video to friends that show
our concern about one’s Physical health.
The queston raised by my friend who sent the video is, “Why don’t we have the courage to send videos that talk about our
Spiritual health and the Gospel?”
I had this thought.
Send the video that talks about the benefits of walking to a non-christian friend. Then, invite them to go for a walk with you😊. Show them you care. BLESS them. It is part of the “Go & Sow” of Discipleship. Whether it is a one time walk or turns into a
“Walk” club you will have the opportunity to let your friend know that you care
about their Spiritual Health too. Ask
them, “How do you care for you Spiritual
Health?” Pray for wisdom as you share
the Gospel by sharing your story and how Jesus brings health and life to your
spirit and soul. Invite your friend to
take a walk with you on the Roman Road😊 (Romans
1:16; 3:23, 6:23; 5:8; 10;9,10). Take
Time to Bless someone today!
ReachGlobal works through local partnerships focused
on Disciple-making that leads to Gospel Endeavors that lead to Church
Revitalization and Church-Planinting. Below
are some photos of a busy ministry season with a few of our partners in Gospel
Endeavors- a few snap shot of June and July.
Delighting in Him,
Alessandra and Alyssia Weyandt
ReachGlobal, Rio de Janeiro
Number 1 856-514—0200
55 21 98768-9839
Skype: Craiger Weyandt
(click here)
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