Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving 2017!

Happy Thanksgiving!   Alessandra, Alyssia and I have so much to be thankful for in 2017.   We would like to share with you one more way we have seen God change a life through our ministry here in Rio de Janeiro.  This is a small part of Olivia’s story.  She has been involved in Project Genesis for more than two years.  We have partnered with this ministry that brings Gospel hope and transformation to at risk children and their families living in the poor neighborhood close to our home.  

Olivia is a part of a small team of volunteers that we have invested in through a mentor model of Relate, Learn and Serve.  Olivia tutors children after school.   Early in 2017 Olivia was frustrated by the gap in her desire to make a difference in the kid’s lives and her knowledge and ability to facilitate Gospel Transformation. 

Alessandra spent three months listening to Olivia and her team and leading them through a simple management tool that inspired the volunteers with renewed vision and commitment to missional alignment.  As a result of the process we called Volunteer Action, a mission which empowers church volunteers to educate children and their family using Biblical Principles in all subject matter.  Olivia participated in the training. 

Today Olivia is implementing the principles to transform the way Project Genesis teaches and disciples children in our local neighborhood.

We are thankful to live in Rio de Janeiro in a time of crises when Brazilians need the hope of Christ more than ever.  We are thankful for spiritual gifts and a passion to the share the Good News of the Gospel and our very lives with the Brazilian People.  

Please Pray:

  • As we are coming to the end of another year we need to overcome a financial deficit of Four Thousand dollars ($4000.) in our Individual Mission Account (IMA).    Would you be willing to pray about giving a one time, year-end, gift to help the Weyandts over-come this deficit.  
  • Please pray that we will be able to also raise our monthly support quickly so that we avoid such a deficit in the year to come.
  • We celebrate God´s faithfulness for all the additional support we raised in 2017 for our APEX Mission Project- that was a big success.   


Delighting in Him this Thanksgiving Season,

Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia

ReachGlobal, Rio de Janiero



FB:  Life on Life Rio


Partner with the Weyandts financially!

Online Donations  (click here)

Or  Copy and Paste this link below 



Make checks out to:                   EFCA ReachGlobal

Attach a note that says:          I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig

Weyandt, Account 1409 

Please Mail Check to:            EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street;  Minneapolis, MN

