Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11

A Heavy Week.

Brumadinho Tragedy. It has been a blessing to make the 10 hour road trip to the recently ravaged city of Brumadinho with Pastors Fabio, Enio and Sincler. Our hearts are heavy sharing in the sadness and despair of literally thousands of people waiting for news of the "missing". As Pastor Enio wrote, "It will be a generation marked by this event: sons will grow up without their fathers, fathers have lost their sons, widows cry and grandparents have simply vanished in a moment". May the Lord comfort those who mourn and soften the pain of the suffering.


How does the Lord bring comfort to those who mourn and soften the pain of the suffering?  


We know that God does do that in a supernatural way through the Holy Spirit.  We also know that God works through His Church as well.  The Colossians were saluted for their Faith, Hope and Love.  I am challenging our congregation to live out their faith to the fullest as we share the compassion of Christ with our brothers and sisters in the City of Belo Horizonte . 


We are hosting a concert on the green that will raise money to help with the transportation costs to mobilize the volunteers equipped to help a community manage their post trauma stress as they deal with the disappearances of friends and loved ones and jobs.  Many have lost any vision for a future.  


Please Pray:

Pray for a generation that have lost their loved ones. 

Pray that we may all see a rainbow in the sadness, joy in sorrow, as we bring His love to each one we meet. 


The Weyandts-Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia

EFCA ReachGlobal, Rio de Janiero


Face:  Life on Life Rio


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Make checks out to:                   EFCA ReachGlobal

Attach a note that says:          I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig

Weyandt, Account 1409 

Please Mail Check to:            EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street;  Minneapolis, MN






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