Thursday, May 29, 2014

Re: Ready or Not....

We are two weeks away from the world cup!  Nobody knows what to expect.  Will Brazilians boycott the games?  Is it even conceivable that they would turn their backs on the Brazilian team?  Perhaps you have seen the manifestation of the turmoil and unrest as Brazilians protest in the streets while Rio gets ready to host the World.

Last week, my colleague Jeff, and two other men from Iowa, John and Keith, walked the same streets that we plan on traversing during our World Cup Outreach, the Liberty Project.  We take two busses, the metro and then walk about a half mile.  
We went to the Maracana stadium and prayed.  Our goal is to see the name of Jesus exalted higher than football in Brazil!  Imagine this stadium and the other 11 around Brazil filled with Christ followers worshipping his name!  Perhaps with all the unrest God's Spirit will bring conviction to the Brazilian people. Pray that the church will rise up to proclaim true hope in Jesus… at such a time as this!

This map shows Vila Mimosa (yellow circle right), red light district, in relation to the Maracana Stadium (yellow circle left) and our Metro stop (middle).  We walked this whole area praying for God to raise up a gate keeper to rent their house to our partners at Exodus Cry as the House of Prayer.  Pray with us!

As many as 2000 prostitutes still work in these store front bars in Vila Mimosa.  As many as 4000 clients per day spend as much as US$430,000.00 per month here.  Some sources say that this is only one of 279 points of prostitution in Rio de Janeiro.  
·         Pray that as we cry out day and night to the Just One on behalf of the vulnerable and exploited that He will grant justice! Luke 18
·         Pray that God will set the Captive Free!  Exodus 3

Delighting in Him,
Craig, Alessandra and Alyssia


Make checks out to:                               EFCA ReachGlobal
Attach a note that says:                      I am supporting the ReachGlobal work in Brazil by Craig Weyandt, Account 1409 
Please Mail Check to:                         EFCA ReachGlobal; 901 East 78th Street;  Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300

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